
Thanks for staying with me on our 30-day blog series and welcome to Day 3.  Yesterday we talked about the benefits of music for calming anxiety and decreasing pain perception.  Today I want to talk about the huge benefit of delivering this music through headphones.  You might be surprised to know that every day, there are a few unfortunate people who wake up from general anesthesia, reporting that they heard conversations of the medical staff during their procedure.  Admittedly, it doesn’t happen very often, but when it does, it can be quite upsetting.

We all want to think that the staff is focusing 100% on us and our procedure, but patients awaken saying that they heard not only conversations about what the staff had for breakfast or lunch, but sometimes conversations about “last night’s date!”  Even worse, I think, are the conversations about the patient himself that are not always positive.  Or conversations about surgical outcomes that are not going to be positive.

This is one of the main reasons that allowing the patient to have his own music coming through headphones is so important.  Not only do the headphones allow the music to go straight to the brain, through the eighth cranial nerve, but the headphones also block conversations in the operating room that the patient does NOT want or need to hear.

Listen to this patient, still in the hospital after his surgery, tell how his headphones during surgery experienced went!

Finally, more and more surgeons choose the music that THEY want to hear during surgery.  More often than not, this music is upbeat and not at all the soothing, slow, steady music that the patient needs.  When the patient is having their ideal music delivered through headphones, the surgeon can listen to whatever he wants and then everybody is happy.

Surgical Serenity has created cordless headphones that are pre-programmed with the ideal music, OR you can download our apps on Apple or Google Play.  Just go to www.surgicalserenitysolutions.com/buyanapp and choose the genre that most appeals to you.  Then get your bluetooth headphones or ear-buds, and you’re ready to go!!

See you tomorrow!

