New research study on Surgical Serenity Solutions headphones

Researcher presenting his study on Surgical Serenity Solutions preloaded headphones at American Psychiatric Nurses conference
New research study focuses on Surgical Serenity Solutions headphones in behavioral health
A new research study on Surgical Serenity Solutions pre-loaded headphones was presented last week at the national meeting of the American Psychiatric Nurses conference. This is doubly exciting because this study was conducted not in surgery but in behavioral health.
Our headphones were originally created to be used in the perioperative period of surgery: before, during, and after. Quickly, doctors and nurses began realizing all the other places that the headphones could be used.
For many years they have been used in colonoscopies, chemotherapy, labor and delivery and situations that cause anxiety and physical discomfort. But this study was look at situations in which behavioral health (psychiatric) patients were hospitalized and were experiencing extreme anxiety and/or panic attacks.
In these situations in hospitals around the world, psych patients are often given medications (usually benzodiazepines) to calm them and move them past the panic moments. In this study, the researcher gave the patients our headphones with soothing, calming music and put them in a quiet location where they could focus on the music and their breathing.
The good news is that this strategy worked for some of the patients and allowed them to calm down without resorting to medications that work but that can definitely create a dependence on them or even lead to addiction.
What the research says
Here is a close up of the researchers poster presentation. He reports that many of the nurses present at this conference were fascinated with this concept and will hopefully be trying them in their own facilities!
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Reusable Headphones: (these include disposable earpiece covers)
MP3 Players – Give to the Patient: (branded for your facility)
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