Our unique patented process provides these instant benefits:

  • Improve patient’s overall satisfaction

  • Creates a more comfortable and serene experience for patients

  • Taps into the power of “rhythmic entrainment” to stabilize body rhythms

  • Shown to reduce the amount of medication needed before, during, and after surgery

  • Allows patient to block out any unwanted operating room noise and conversations

  • Blocks out surgeon’s music, which is usually upbeat and faster

  • Provides a cost-effective solution to anxiety and pain perception that may shorten hospital stay

  • Helps post-surgery orientation, essentially a catalyst to the recovery process

Our copyrighted music is chosen and created by Dr. Alice H Cash, PhD, LCSW, a musicologist with 30 years of experience in using music, according to a proprietary system that engages “rhythmic entrainment,” in which the body responds to the rhythm of the music, creating relaxation.

Get Your Surgical Music Now

Listen to samples from all of our playlists here!

Listen to this satisfied patient tell her story!