New Uses for Serenity Solution Headphones: Parathyroid Surgery

SSS in perioperative thyroid surgery

Patient before parathyroid surgery

Our Surgical Serenity Headphones have been used for so many different surgeries but this week a new one came to my attention:  parathyroid surgery.  This patient is a 67 y.o. lady with an impressive athletic career.  She has been winning trophies and medals for decades, but recently, in the course of some routine blood work, it was discovered that one of the parathyroid glands was malfunctioning and needed to be removed.

Of course, she wanted to use the Surgical Serenity Solutions headphones that she had bought several years ago for another surgery and had a positive experience. She told me that she has used them along and along for bouts of insomnia and stress, but that surgery is what she wanted to use them for primarily since she is very sensitive to anesthesia and wanted no more than absolutely necessary.

Since this was a new procedure, she checked in advance with the the surgeon and explained that these headphones were created specifically for surgery and are in use at Cleveland Clinic, as well as Mayo, Johns Hopkins, and VA Hospitals around the country!  The surgeon gave the green light and she prepared for her parathyroid surgery.

As fate would have it, things did not go exactly as planned!  The surgery started an hour later than scheduled, but patients said that she needed to anxiety meds while waiting because she had her headphones on and just closed her eyes and enjoyed the music while waiting to be called back.

Once it started, it took a little longer than anticipated because they decided to take part of her thyroid gland as well.  Of course she was asleep when that decision was made, but she reports she was so glad NOT to hear the conversation that went on about whether to remove part of the thyroid or not.

Surgical Serenity Solutions with parathyroid surgery

Patient after parathyroid surgery

Patient has been instructed to get lots of rest and not work out for a couple of weeks and she is OK with that.  This is the message friends:  even when you are super healthy and feeling no pain, a simple blood test can reveal a process going on in your body that you knew nothing about.  Be prepared!  These amazing headphones can be shipped to you overnight and they have been studies and tested in major hospitals around the country.  You can get your own set for under $100!  Go NOW to  



