Prepare for Surgery: The “Lost” Tool
Preparing for surgery is something that no one really wants to do, but taking the “ostrich” approach doesn’t work either! If you need surgery for whatever reason, you might as well educate yourself about ways that you can make the process easier and more effective! One of the tools that humans and physicians from ancient times have used is music! Why? Because music soothes, comforts, calms, and relaxes the body and mind simultaneously. When the mind and body are calm, it takes less anesthesia, less pain medication and less anxiety medication to get you through the procedure, whever that procedure might be. Is this just a theory of mine? Absolutely not! Just go to and do a simple search for “music with surgery.” I just did it and came up with 1003 citations!! Still, most patients and even many, many physicians don’t realize how potent music is, in it’s ability to help the patient calm down and have a better result from their surgery. The news media seem to rush to publish the catastrophic disasters encountered during surgery, but how often do they publish simple tips for people who are preparing to have surgery? Music is an oft overlooked addition to the tool-kit. Don’t YOU be one to forget about music! You can make your own playlist or purchase headphones that are already pre-programmed and ready-to-go! Please contact me here if I can help!