This patient was a 61 year-old female with a long history of chronic pain, resulting from a degenerative bone disease and dozens of resulting surgeries. She is the unfortunate victim of a herditary disease, which she inherited from both sides of the family. The condition, unique to people to Scandinavian heritage, in which the bones in the body simply begin to soften and deteriorate internally. This patient had undergone 49 surgeries prior to this one, on nearly every possible area of her body. In addition, she was a professional musician who had retired at least 20 years previously because of her bone disease and frequent surgeries. Patient was on large amounts of chronic pain medication and not a good candidate for general anesthesia, and yet, this was what her hand surgeon was about to use with her. When she discovered the Surgical Serenity Headphones, she was ecstatic! After some conversation and a consult, we decided that she would be an ideal candidate and she ordered them! Because she was in Louisville, I went down to the hospital and was able to assist her in getting the headphones on correctly and the volume adjusted because she had to remove her hearing aids for the surgery. At that moment pain reported that she was feeling calmer than usual and that she believed the headphones and beautiful music were the main contributors to that. Here is what she wrote to me after the surgery: “Dr. Cash, I cannot tell you what a difference your Serenity Headphones made to me during this 51st surgery of my life! After putting them on that morning in the pre-surgery area, I began listening and was able to pretty much ignore all the hustle and bustle going on around me. I was put into a another dimension, it seemed, where all was beautiful and soothing and I did not feel afraid. After they had wheeled me into surgery, I was conscious but groggy. I went to sleep lstening to the beautiful music and, next thing I knew, I was waking up in the recovery area and the music was still playing. This was something brand-new because I actually woke up to the music and was not aware of pain until much later, and even then, the pain was quite tolerable. I believe that the music kept me from tightening up my muscles, as I usually do without realizing it, and let the medications work faster and easier because they didn’t have to fight my clenched hands and arms and shoulders. It makes sense, doesn’t it?! Anyway, thank you so very much for creating something that will help me from now on and will also hopefully, help millions of other surgery patients in the years to come!” Sincerely, Sheryl S.Louisville, KY
Music with Surgery Case History #4: 61-year old female with hand surgery
By DrAlice|September 13, 2012|Anesthesia, Dangers and Side-effects of anesthesia, Hand Surgery with Music|2 Comments
About the Author: DrAlice
Dr. Alice Cash is one of the world’s few clinical musicologists. Based in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, she brings to her work over 40 years of professional experience as a college professor, clinical therapist, solo and chamber music performer and composer.
Since 1990, Dr. Cash has been in the field of Music Medicine and conducted clinical research at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, under the guidance of Dr. Joel Elkes, Dr. Leah Dickstein, and Dr. Rif El-Mallakh. Her clinical work at the University of Louisville lead to her career in music medicine.
In addition to her work with the University of Louisville, Dr. Cash lead the development of using music a hospital setting at Baptist East Hospital, Louisvile, KY. She has founded 3 companies: Healing Music Enterprises, Surgical Serenity Solutions and Crescent Hill Counseling.
This is a very inspiring testimonial (one of several I have read) attesting to the effectiveness of Surgical Serenity Headphones and the healing properties of music in general. Dr. Cash’s invention and her other innovative work in the area are signalling a major breakthrough in the correlation of the arts and medical science.
Thanks for your comment, Derrick! We now have hospitals across the country that are utilzing the power of music for the patient. Because Drs need their own specially-chosen music for surgery, so do patient need music of their choice in order to stay calm and relaxed, thus requiring less pain meds and anesthesia. When patients have less pain med and anesthesia, they experience fewer side-effects, recover faster and more safely, and get back to their lives quicker and allow hospitals the ability to see more people and help people get the treatment they need.