What are some of the surgeries that our headphones have been used with successfully?

Patients wearing our headphones

Patients wearing our headphones

This is a questions that I’m frequently asked when people are planning to use music with their surgery.  The concept of using music during surgery is still a very new concept and many patients are confused about whether it is primarily for them or for the doctor.

Of course, one of the BIG benefits of the Surgical Serenity Solution is that both patient and doctor can each have their ideal, preferred type of music!  Usually the surgeon wants music that is

*  Energetic

*  Familiar

*   Upbeat

*  Positive

The patient needs music that is

*  Calm

*  Slow and Steady

*  Purely instrumental

*   Unfamiliar

So why does the patient need unfamiliar music and the surgeon gets to use familiar favorites?  Primarily because the surgeon is wide-awake, needing to focus and aware of what music does that for him.  The patient, on the other hand, needs to brought down in energy level, consciousness, and awareness of surroundings.  Something slow, steady and soothing will best do that; and because music is so often associated with specific events and people, we need to choose music that is not widely known and associated with pop culture or well-known events.

The music that we use on our pre-programmed, cordless headphones is classical music that the average person will not know.  In all the hundreds of people that have used the headphones, only one person at the last minute had a negative association and asked that headphones be removed.

We do have samples on our sales pages that give you a representative sample of what our music sounds like.  See  http://www.surgicalserenity.com/purchase.htm

So, back to the question “what surgeries have successfully incorporated the use of music through Surgical Serenity Headphones?”  So far we’ve been present for:

Abdominal Aortic Anerysm


Labor and Delivery

Heart by-pass surgery

Pacemaker implantation

Knee replacement

Hip replacement

Breast cancer surgery

Lung cancer surgery

Root canal surgery

Dental crowns

Dental cavities


Shoulder replacement surgery

Hernia repair and tummy tuck

Hand surgery

and many, many more!

If YOU are having surgery and want to ask questions before buying, please contact me through my website or this blog.  Thank you!!

