When the VA Hospital in Louisville, KY decided to purchase 100 of our headphones and conduct a clinical study on the benefits of music with surgery, we, Surgical Serenity Solutions, were thrilled!! At the time, we were not aware of any other Veteran’s hospitals that had a music with surgery program, but that has now changed!!
The VA Hospital in Durham, NC has started a program for music with surgery and it’s very similar to ours, but also different. They are using iPods that are loaded with a variety of surgery playlists, connected to disposable headphones. Their music was selected based on veterans’ preferences whereas mine is chosen specifically for it’s ability to induce rhythmic entrainment. Both methods are good, I think, but I do like the aspect of cordless headphones that already contain the music that will be used for surgery, loaded onto headphones!
I’ll probably be talking to them about trying our our headphones later this week! Will keep you posted!! Meanwhile, which would YOU prefer?
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