The concept of using music for the patient during surgery is still a new concept for many people. But the research is coming in! Even when you are asleep from anesthesia, your body STILL responds to the slow, steady pulse of the right music! How do I know this? Because I am a clinical musicologist who has spent the past 25 years studying this phenomenon and helping surgery patients create their own playlists from their favorite music, and then creating the Surgical Serenity Solution for those that either don’t have time to choose their own preferred music or would rather get something that is ready to go and proven effective!! Here are some more of the questions I often get:
Q1. Why should I use music before, during and after surgery if I’ll be asleep anyway?
A1. When you listen to soothing, steady, instrumental music before surgery (or other anxiety-provoking medical procedure) research documents measurable decreases in anxiety medications; when music continues into surgery, there is not only less anesthesia, but stabilized blood pressure, body temp, heart rate and respiration rate. The body synchronizes with the slow, steady tempo of the music and has a lower report of pain perception. After surgery, into the recovery room, the patient awakens with less nausea and vomiting, better oriented to time and place, and requiring less pain medication! This is big!
Q2. How can talk to my doctor about wanting to use the Surgical Serenity Solution?
A2. If you go to, you will see a link to the blog. Click on that and in the right-hand margin you will see a link to our complimentary report “How to Talk with your Doctor about using Music in Surgery.” The brief report includes research studies that have been done, documenting all the positive benefits to patient when the right kind of music is used during surgery.
Q3. Why can’t I just bring my own iPod with earbuds of headphones?
A3. You can probably do this, but then the surgical team has to try and avoid the cord that is hanging down to connect iPod with headphones or earbuds. Our pre-programmed headphones are totally cordless and do not transmit any signal that could interfere with other devices in OR. Also, our headphones will be brand-new for you and completely sanitized and disinfected. And while your music may be favorite music and enjoyable, our proprietary classical blend has been specifically chosen to entrain or synchronize with your heart-rate and breathing.
At the request of many potential surgery patients, I will be publishing more of these Q and As so let me know what YOUR questions are!
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