Newborn Baby at Christmas

 All over the world today, Christmas babies were born.  Having a baby on Christmas day is indeed a special thing and these babies have got to feel special for their entire lives.  Earlier today, I was talking with my son-in-law who is an anesthesia resident at a large hospital in Boston.  I asked him how many of the Moms that gave birth today used music during their procedure and was surprised to hear that not many of them did!?

Of course, he pointed out that he was only present for C-sections and those are very different from vaginal delivery births where the mom has gone into labor on her own and hopefully,  planned her childbirth experience very intentionally.
Over the years, Moms and doctors have told me of babies born on Christmas to the strains of “For Unto Us a Child is Born,”  “O Holy Night,” and other appropriate Christmas birthing music!  The fact is, music during labor can do lots of wonderful things, from calming, comforting and distracting the Mom between contractions, to actually keep labor moving along with a consistent, persistant rhythmic beat.  I’ve always thought that Ravel’s “Bolero” during labor would be quite enjoyable and helpful!
If you or a loved one had a baby at Christmas, please share your experience with me!