For years, even decades, I heard about people who used music during their surgical procedures. I was always fascinated, being a musician and music-lover, exactly how this worked. No one would really give me a straight answer about this and so eventually, I decided it must be a rare and esoteric experience that once could only get in New York, L.A., or perhaps Paris. Little did I know, for the longest time, that there really was no particular method for getting your surgeon to provide music during your surgery. And because I had never had surgery (except some relatively minor dental surgery) I wasn’t too concerned about it.
All of that changed in late summer of 1975 when I found that I would be having a baby in April of 1976. Although I was happy and excited about this news, my mind went immediately to labor and delivery and what the pain management options would be. I had heard my mother’s not-so-pleasant experience in the hospitals of 1948 when I was born, and I surely did not want to repeat her experience. She was given scopolamine for her labor which lasted something crazy like two days. At the end, she was completely knocked out and didn’t even see me until I was several days old!
Even though I knew that they didn’t even use that drug anymore for labor and delivery, I also didn’t want anyone sticking a needle in my back and accidentally hitting a nerve that would send me through the roof. I decided then and there that I would use natural childbirth, the Lamaze method, and supplement that with music. In 1976 that was really not so easy to do. First of all, there were no CD’s or iPods, but only records and record-players and the hospital was not going to let anyone drag in their record player from home! There were cassette tapes by then, but the music I wanted I didn’t own and it wasn’t that easy to make your own at that point.
Jump to 1990: I had just gotten my Ph.D. in musicology and landed at dream job at the University School of Medicine as Coordinator of Music and Medicine. Again, I began hearing about the use of music during surgery an reading everything I could get my hands on! By 1993, I was speaking quite a bit about the “Healing Power of Music” and beginning to emphasize the benefits of music during surgery using that tapes that I was helping people put together before their surgeries.
Jump to 2005: By then, I had probably helped hundreds of people to create their own tapes and then CD’s for surgery. Now I was beginning to think, why couldn’t someone create headphones for surgery that were already programmed with the ideal, calm, steady, soothing music, that research has documented that people need less anesthesia, pain medication, etc. and recover faster as a result of less medication, and get back to their lives, happier and healthier!
Today, in September of 2013, these headphones are selling all over the world. We began by selling them to the patients exclusively, but now we are actively selling them to hospitals and they are beginning to purchase them by the hundreds. If you are contemplating surgery or if you have surgery scheduled, you need to order them NOW. We can overnight them to you anywhere in the continental US, but don’t delay! Go to They can be used for general anesthesia procedures as well as labor and delivery, dental surgery, cosmetic procedures of any kind, and simply for calming down and relaxing. Go to right now! Thank you!
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