If you are going to one of the cutting edge hospitals in the U.S. (and we’re not allowed to name the hospitals who have them waiting for you at this point) you might very well find the headphones there. Four of the largest hospital systems in the world either have the headphones or are seriously considering them for their patients. All you need to do is ask your surgeon if the hospital where your procedure is being done, utilizes the Surgical Serenity Solutions. He should know immediately whether they do or don’t.
One of the main reasons I had the idea to create pre-programmed, cordless headphones for the patient was for the patients convenience. I know that when I had surgery 20 years ago, I did not have a lot of advance notice. I was literally up all night the night before my back surgery, creating three cassette tapes for before, during and after my surgery. Because I was a clinical musicologist even then, I knew the benefits of steady, soothing, instrumental music in the surgical process. My surgeon was fascinated by all of this, and even though I used a Walkman, connected to headphones with a wire, the surgeon and anesthesiologist allow this in the OR.
In 2005, when the idea to create programmed, cordless headphones was born, one of my main reasons was so that patients who were likely already in pain and quite fearful of going under general anesthesia, could have easy access to music for their surgery that had been tested and approved by hundreds of people. Now we have this!
The headphones are getting national attention now and I do believe that one day they will be standard equipment in all hospitals. If your hospital does not have them waiting for you, please order yours now!! You will be so glad that you did!
To order: www.SurgicalHeadphones.com
Excellent article.
Thanks, Lauren! Do you think you’ll be getting some our headphones?