If you’ve been following Surgical Serenity Solutions for awhile, you know that our headphones are being used every day in hospitals around the world! But every now and then, somehow asks us how hospitals are able to “sterilize” them for surgery. I rely on what surgeons, anesthesiologists and surgical nurses have told me and here is what I’m told: during surgery, a “sterile field” is prepared, depending on what part of the body is being operated on.
Only things that are going into a patients body need to be sterile. Our Surgical Serenity headphones are behind the neck and over the ears. Each earpiece has a disposable sterile cover on it and these are replaces with each patient and connecting band is wiped down with antibacterial spray. Obviously, the headphones can’t be used with brain, head, neck or face surgery. Still, our proprietary music can be played nearby and the body will still entrain with the steady, soothing pulse!
For those that are concerned that the headphones are not “sterilized,” we are starting a new purchase model where we offer a less expensive model that doesn’t have as long a battery-playing time but is otherwise very similar to our current model in terms of style (behind-the-neck) and comfort, for a price that will allow hospitals to give EACH surgical patient their own headphones that they can take home with them and continue using as they recover at home with our soothing, steady, comforting music.
Stay tuned for the new model, hopefully appearing in time for Christmas!
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