
There are many populations that are particularly at-risk for the negative side-effects of general anesthesia during surgery. The elderly and those that suffer from serious and chronic health conditions are two major groups. Small children and especially those that are not healthy or already have serious disabilities.

Anesthesia is powerful but necessary reality in the world of medicine today. A lawyer just told me earlier today that an anesthesiologist that he represents said “an anesthesiologists job is 90% boredom and 10% sheer terror!” I thought that was an interesting and telling opinion coming from someone who administers anesthesia every day!

How does music help? I believe in a three-part process. If the patients is given the pre-programmed headphones between 30-45 minutes prior to surgery, their bodies and minds will begin relaxing right away. The music they are listening to is slow, steady and rhythmic, which entrains or synchronizes the heart rate and breathing with the music.

By the time they get into surgery, their body is already quite relaxed, muscles unclenched and mind drifting pleasantly. They will NOT need as much anesthesia in order to be put to sleep. Also, because their ears are gently covered with the headphones, they don’t have to worry about hearing conversations of the staff or hear the often un-nerving sounds of surgical equipment.

When they continue to wear the headphones into the recovery area, they are gently aware of the fact that they are out of surgery and now recovering from anesthesia so that they can be taken to their own hospital room. This happens around the world every day and music could greatly ease the process!

If you or someone you love is scheduled for surgery, please take a minute to go to www.surgicalheadphones.com and check out these potentially life-saving headphones. When you get home, you can easily change the music on them if you want and put your own favorite music on to enjoy for years to come!
