
Surgical Serenity may have a new owner!  Have you ever thought about owning an entrepreneurial start-up company that has a U.S. Patent and in-roads into some of the biggest hospital systems in the WORLD??  And sales that are doubling every year??

I had always thought that I’d sell Surgical Serenity Solutions to a group of anesthesiologists, surgeons, music therapists, or medical device company!!  I even dreamed to selling the business to APPLE and convincing them to start a medical device component!!  But, as I approach my retirement years, and as my treasure chest of grandchildren grows, a person has approached who is very interested in buying my business that fits none of these descriptions or labels!  What he has is GREAT success in sales!

I’m putting this out because I’d like to know if there are any other individuals or companies “out there” that might like to put in a bid.  Clearly it will go for much less than if I waited for Apple to realize what this company offers to patients around the world.  And I’m pretty sure that I’ll need to be a consultant for the first couple of years that someone else takes over.  At the moment, I’m focusing more on getting additional playlists that fit our characteristics for ideal surgical/medical/dental music.

Let me know ASAP if YOU or someone you know is interested in either investing or purchasing!
