We started selling our Surgical Serenity Solution in April of 2009. From the moment we began letting the public know about our method for decreasing anxiety before surgery and thereby decreasing the need for as much anesthesia, people immediately “got it” and began ordering the pre-programmed headphones and proprietary music.
Certain questions come up over and over, so I thought I’d do a new post for you, outlining some of the basic questions that people want to know about the headphones.
1. Are you sure the doctor will let me take these headphones into surgery?
99% of doctors let their patients take our headphones into surgery. Our downloadable article on “Talking to you doctor about using music in surgery” goes a long way in allaying their fears. Occasionally a doctor says that he’s worried about an electrical arc between cauterizing tools and the headphones, but anesthesiologists have assured us that it’s much more likely to occur with corded headphones than our cordless headphones. They’ve now been used in hundreds of different surgeries and it’s never happened! But you really do need to mention this in advance and not just bring them at the last minute.
2. What’s the point of having music during my surgery if I’m asleep with general anesthesia?
Medical studies and patient case histories document that the patient “hears” and responds, even if subconsciously, to sound that go on in surgery. Joint replacement surgery includes hammering, drilling, and sawing. Those sounds and vibrations enter the patients body and subconscious, so having soothing, calm music entering your brain through the 8th cranial nerve is a huge plus. In addition, the body rhythms of heart beat and breathing, entrain or synchronize to the pulse of the music, even if you’re under general anesthesia or in a coma. This phenomenon of rhythmic entrainment is at the heart of the Surgical Serenity Solutions.
3. Isn’t it better if I pick my own favorite music for my surgery?
If you are a professional musician, a music therapist, or a seasoned amateur, you probably could choose your own music. But then, do you have access to a lightweight, behind the neck, cordless, programmable headset? There is only one company that makes these headphones, and as I mentioned above, anything with a cord or wire is more prone to creating an electrical arc.
4. I’ve heard that the surgeon will be playing his own favorite music. Won’t that interfere?
That’s the beauty of the patient wearing headphones. With the patients ears covered, the music is entering their brain through the 8th cranial nerve and greatly muffling the sounds of either surgeons’ music or staff conversations that the patient doesn’t need/want to hear. Many surgeons still operate on the assumption that patient is “asleep” to their music and conversations, but case studies tell us frquently that patients do hear a disturbing amount. A surgeon here in Louisville, KY was reported to be playing “Another One Bites the Dust” by QUEEN. Do YOU want that to be playing during your surgery?
5. My surgery is going to last for 5-6 hours. Will the music last that long?
Our proprietary playlist is about 90 minutes long. It is set to loop over and over on the headphones and the headphones have been know to play 18-20 hours on one battery charge. So yes, a 5-6 hour surgery would not be a problem at all!
I hope that we’ve answered some of your most concerning questions. If you have others, you can contact me through this blog and I will get back to you promptly! Thank you for learning more about the Surgical Serenity Solutions!
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