Knowing exactly how to use Surgical Serenity Solutions in the hospitals is very important. Sometimes I forget that just because I’ve written hundreds of blogs, articles, and Facebook stories about the Surgical Serenity Solutions preloaded headphones, doesn’t mean that everyone searching for music and surgery info even knows they exist or how they work, once purchased.
So I thought I’d do a little tutorial with pictures of the patient wearing them at every stage of the procedure. Sooo, to your left is the patient wearing them after checking in to the surgical suite, early on the morning of the procedure. Patient is clearly relaxed and not overly anxious about being stuck with a needle (IV insertion, anesthetized with Propofol, and probed internally with a camera and biopsies performed.
In this picture, patient has been taken back to the pre-op area, put into hospital gown, with IV inserted and electrodes attached, but, thanks to the beautiful, calming music is still smiling and not overly anxious about the procedure that is about to happen. Nurse has already asked at least 5-10 minutes worth of questions, but patient could easily hear, because headphones are not noise cancelling, merely muffling. When patient is in the operating room, surgeon often has his own upbeat music, which is the opposite of what the patient needs to hear and entrain with. Conversations, too, are often not what the patient needs to hear.

Sleeping peacefully after procedure, music still playing through headphones to entrain heart rate and breathing
Now, patient has returned from the Operating Room and is still sleeping. The music is still playing, and although she is not consciously listening to it, she can hear it, and best of all, her heart rate and breathing are entrained or synchronized with the music, keeping her calm and relaxed until the anesthesia (propofol) wears off.
Now the patient is just beginning to awaken, alert, oriented to time and place, and best of all, with no nausea and vomiting. Patient went home about 20 minutes after this picture was taken.
Did the proprietary music, delivered through cordless, preloaded headphones make all the difference? Well, we think so. Study after study has demonstrated these very things:
- With the headphones, patient is much less anxious before the procedure and requires little or no benzodiazepines.
- In the pre-op area, patient is shielded (sonic-ly) from other patients anxious conversations and overheard stress.
- In the OR, patient enters in such a relaxed state that less anesthesia is required to still be asleep and comfortable.
- Afterwards, patient awakens refreshed, not nauseous, and with little pain. Patient is able to return home quickly and comfortably.
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