Have you heard of rhythmic entrainment? Most people have not, but it is at the heart of the Surgical Serenity Solution. It may sound complicated and mysterious, but actually, it’s quite straightforward! You know how you feel when you walk into a room and some really powerful, rhythmic music is playing? Or you’re sitting in a concert and one of your favorite upbeat songs starts playing. You cannot resist moving to that music! It sucks you in and you’re happy when you start to move to it! THAT is rhythmic entrainment. It was so-named back in the 17th century when it was discovered in a lab by a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens.
Huygens observed in his laboratory that metronomes set to ticking would eventually all be ticking together! Rhythmic entrainment is so powerful that it happens with inanimate objects as well as with living beings, human and animal. It is a VERY powerful phenomenon!
The human body tends to entrain with any powerful rhythm that is in their environment. Even when that rhythm is erratic, as in an MRI machine, the body tries to find a pattern that makes sense with some. The body easily entrains with a steady, strong beat. That’s why music that has a stead 4/4 beat is so easy to march or clap to. Classic rock is full of strong 4/4 tempos. What does this have to do with the Surgical Serenity Solution?
The reason is that rhythmic entrainment works with a slow pulse as well as a fast one. Again, whether the body is aleep or awake, the heart and breathing will tend to synchronize with a strong, steady pulse, entering the brain through the 8th cranial nerve. The music comes through lightweight, cordless headphones and works like a charm. So far, we’ve had people from all over the U.S., Canada and many European countries, Australia and New Zealand, order and successfully use the Surgical Serenity Solution! Will you be next?
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