
Helen Starr has had a fabulous career in the world of classical ballet, dancing with famous male partners such as Mikhail Baryshnikov and many others.  Naturally, professional ballerinas are very hard on their bodies, and especially their joints, with the hours and hours of training that they do and the jumping, running, and dancing on point.

So I was not surprised when I got a call from Helen Starr, telling me that she was going to have an ankle replacement and would like to use the Surgical Serenity Solutions headphones to help calm her before and during the surgery, and to reduce pain perception afterwards.  Ankle surgery has not been available for nearly as long as knee and hip replacement, so the patient has fewer options of where to go for the procedure.

She told me that she had had a knee replacement about 9 years previously and the hospital had offered her classical music on headphones, but she needed to go to a different hospital for the ankle procedure and they did not offer any kind of music during surgery.  She needed the surgery to get her ankle replaced and so she had heard about Surgical Serenity and wanted to try our headphones.

I was able to get her the headphones about a week in advance and instructed her to lie down for 30-40 minutes every afternoon with the headphones, learning to relax and let go of muscle tension when she heard this specific music.  She was a very good patient and did this faithfully, and it paid off.  When I saw her after surgery she said that things had gone extremely well and that she listened to the Serenity classical playlist before they took her back, through the surgery, and into the recovery area.  She told me that the doctors and nurses at this hospital were fascinated by the headphones and how the music was already loaded onto them, so that no bluetooth streaming was necessary or no cords were attached.

Of course, this is what I wish for everyone.  So please help us get the word to patients, doctors and hospitals.  www.SurgicalSerenitySolutions.com.

