Yes, I was thrilled when a local journalist wanted to write an article about Surgical Serenity Solutions. One of the challenges that we musicians, music therapists, and clinical musicologists have is publicity. In the past, unless one had a very healthy marketing and advertising budget, it was just not possible to let the world know what all of the possibilities were for healing with music, how music affects the brain, and the tremendous benefits of music with surgery. Now, much of that has changed!
With the internet and the world wide web, Surgical Serenity Solutions now has the possibility of electronic magazines (ezines), blogs, Facebook, Twitter and so much more. All of these are basically free, but there is just a little bit of a learning curve. Thanks to all of the new “social media” options, millions more people are now aware of the healing power of music. And this week, out came one more great article about the Surgical Serenity Solution.
The only way that we can get our wonderful, pre-programmed headphones into every hospital is to use social media to the max! Surgical Serenity Solutions not only has a website, but also a blog, a FB page, , a Twitter account, @music4surgery , a Instagram account, #surgicalserenitysolutions and other websites such as I do hope you’ll connect with us in as many of these venues as possible!
There is so much to understand about how to use music with your surgery and so much medical research to report on now! Don’t miss out on this exciting new development in the world of surgery and the world of MusicMedicine.
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