People who live in the Louisville, KY area have been hearing about music with surgery for at least 10 years. At first blush, it seems like a radical idea, but once people understand that your body responds to music even when “asleep” it makes perfect sense. The first thing one must understand is: It’s NOT about entertainment! Although I’d like to believe that it is definitely enjoyable, the idea is that our minds and bodies respond to the slow, steady pulse of music by staying more relaxed and maintaining and slow, steady heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. THIS allows the patient to require up to 50% LESS anesthesia! That is phenomenal! Anesthesia is one of the most dangerous (but necessary) parts of surgery. If you can maintain the same level of sedation without nearly as much anesthesia, why wouldn’t you?
Are you ready for music with your surgery?
If you’re as excited about this as I am, stay tuned to this blog for regular updates!
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