
Day by day, the general public is gradually becoming aware of how critically important music can be during a surgical procedure.  Whether it’s heart surgery, a joint replacement or a C-section, music can calm the patient so that fewer chemicals are needed, resulting in a safer surgery and a faster recovery.

Physicians have known since the times of ancient Greece and Rome that music is healing and that it can and should be prescribed along with other therapies and treatments.  But until recently, most people assumed that a patient was asleep during surgery and couldn’t hear the music or respond to it.  That’s why the only music playing in the operating room was the surgeon’s music. 

Now people are understanding that the human body responds to the pulse of strongly rhythmic music even when the patient is asleep.  This is the principle of entrainment or synchronization of bio-rhythms with musical rhythms.  To read more about all of this simply go to www.surgicalheadphones.com and read previous posts on this blog!
