Are you worried about the side-effects of anesthesia? Obviously, general anesthesia is a powerful chemical process. As with any kind of anesthesia or surgery, there are serious risks. That’s why you want to do some careful research on the hospital you go to and who will do the surgery and the anesthesia. Some are better that others.
The sad case of Joan Rivers, recently, demonstrated that even the smallest procedure must be carefully planned and executed. Her procedure was quite routine, but something went wrong and she died after being in a coma for 3 or 4 days. This is a worst-case scenario, but you need to do your research and understand that likely, you will have pain from the incision and nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and possibly short-term memory loss from the anesthesia.
Then there are the side-effects that are actually humorous! There has been a story on television for the past two days about a young man who had just begun awakening from anesthesia. (Yes, he did have red hair, and redheads are known to be more susceptible to the effects of anesthesia than non-redheads!) It’s a charming story because as the guy is waking up, he looks over and his wife, but doesn’t recognize her. Apparently this sort of thing has happened to him before because his wife doesn’t seem to be too devastated. But when he turns a gets a good look at her, things get really funny and his wife couldn’t be happier at what comes out of his mouth! Enjoy!
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