Nurses are using music in the ICU more than ever before.
The human heart is an amazing organ. It pumps soon after conception and is the last organ to stop functioning. There are hundreds of different heart surgeries that a human can undergo, but one of the most frequently performed is surgery heart bypass surgery. According to one hospital site:
The heart is also the body’s timekeeper. When it is nice and steady, we are probably in good health. When the heartbeat is too fast, too slow or too erratic, chances are your health is not good.
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the most common type of heart surgery. CABG improves blood flow to the heart. Surgeons use CABG to treat people who have severe coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque (plaque) builds up inside the coronary arteries.
An earlier version of our headphones was used for CABG in 1994 in Greenville, SC at Greenville Memorial Hospital. The patient was a 69-year old woman, with no known history of heart disease. This woman was my mother and she was honestly not that enthusiastic about using music with her surgery. She was quite frightened about whether or not she would even wake up from the surgery. After much reassurance that the music chosen for her would actually improve her chances of waking up. Even in 1994, the cardiac surgeon had no problem letting her take the headphones into surgery and said anything he could do to improve her chances of a successful surgery and a good recovery.
My mother had 5 by-passes in her heart and was in surgery for hours. When the surgery finally came to the waiting room and told my father and me that we could come back to recovery, we didn’t know what we might find. I fully expected her to be still sleeping and not able to talk, but to my surprise, when she saw me, she seemed to perk up. Then, the spoke weakly, but enthusiastically, “Oh Alice, the music was beautiful!! I’m so glad that I had that the entire time and I will never have surgery again without this music!”
No one was more surprised than I! This was over 20 years ago, and she’s 89 years old and doing quite well. She has had other surgeries since them including a serious hernia operation and hip replacement, but every time she has had the Serenity Headphones and she loves to tell everyone about her experience.

Patient enjoying serene music that entrains with healthy resting heartbeat
The surgeons said that her recovery time in the recovery room and at home was much less than expected and she said that among other things, the “headphones with beautiful music” kept her from hearing other nearby patients who were moaning and calling out for the nurse. That alone was worth it, she said.
Our headphones are in use around the world now and we get rave reviews on a regular basis.
If your hospital is ready to step into the world of 24/7 Music Medicine, go her NOW to order. Each started box of 25 headphones comes with a package of 50 pair of disposable earpiece covers. ORDER HERE.
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