
So you’ve just been told that you need to have surgery.  The fears and anxiety are running through your mind and all over your body like an army of tiny spiders.  THINK of all the things that might go wrong!  You could end of paralyzed, you could end up dead!  They may take the wrong thing out and leave you with a damaged or sick body part.  Maybe the anesthesia will not work but they don’t know it and you feel every single knife stroke and pull.  Enough!

Chances are, everything will be just fine.  Serious accidents and mistakes in surgery are truly rare, but they do happen.  How can you help yourself in this situation?  By doing exactly what you’re doing…going to the internet and searching for high-quality information about your specific type of situation and the recommended surgery.  You might also want to get a second or even a third opinion!  I was recently told that I needed plastic surgery on my face to remove a cyst.  I visited a plastic surgeon who confirmed this.  Then I visited a second plastic surgeon who said “I wouldn’t rush into that.  I’d give it 8-9 months and see how it does.”  I was never so relieved in my life!  I’ll probably wait at least another month or so now and then visit one more plastic surgeon for a consult. 

In the final analysis, it’s your body and only you can decide this.  If you DO decide to proceed, one thing you can do before, during and after surgery is to take in lightweight, cordless headphones that are pre-programmed with the best music for surgery.  This music has been tested around the world and the consensus is unanimous.   Every person has said that they would use them again! 

No one wants to have surgery, but if surgery is needed, add some soothing, calming, comforting music to the equation!  You can end up having less anesthesia, less pain medication and an overall more positive experience!
